Page 122 - Electronic Navigation Cyber Book
P. 122


          Loran is an acronym for long range navigation. It is an electronic system
          of  land-based  transmitters  broadcasting  low  frequency  pulsed  signals
          that enable ships and aircraft to determine their position. A system that
          used this concept was first proposed in the 1930s and implemented as
          the British Gee system early in the Second World War. The Gee system
          used master and slave transmitters sited approximately 100 miles apart
          and used frequencies between 30 and 80 MHz. The use of frequencies
          in  the  VHF  band  constrained  the  system  to  'line-of-sight'  distance  for
          coverage but this was not a problem at the time since the system was
          designed to aid bomber navigation on raids over Germany.
          Loran-A chains operate by measuring the difference in time arrival of the
          pulses  from  the  master  and  the  slave  stations.  Every  time  difference
          produces a line of position (LOP) for a master-slave pair and a positional
          fix is obtained by the intersection of two such LOPs using two suitable
          master-slave pairs. Two adjacent chains usually have a common master
          transmitter  station.  For  each  chain  the  slave  station  transmission  is
          retarded in time compared to that of the master station. Such retardation
          is  known  as  the  coding  delay  and  has  a  value  such  that  within  the
          coverage  area  of  the  chain  the  master  pulse  is  always  received  at  a
          receiver  before  the  slave  pulse.  Known  unreliable  signals  can  be
          indicated by the master or slave signals, or both, being made to blink.
          Loran-A  chains  are  identified  by  an  alphanumeric  which  specifies  the
          transmission frequency and the pulse repetition rate (determined by the
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