Page 79 - Electronic Navigation Cyber Book
P. 79
LRIT Data Centres are required to archive their data so that the reports
can be recovered, if required, at a later date and the activities of the DC
can be audited by the LRIT Coordinator.
LRIT DCs may make a charge for LRIT data they provide to other DCs.
DCs may be either National (established to provide service to only one
Contracting Government); Cooperative (established to provide services
to a number of Contracting Governments) or Regional (established to
provide services to a number of Contracting Governments acting through
a regional entity of some kind). The IMO Performance Standard
envisages also an International Data Centre (IDC), to provide LRIT
services on an international basis to many countries that do not wish to
establish their own DCs, but the IMO Maritime Safety Committee (MSC)
has not yet decided to establish such an IDC.
8 International LRIT Data Exchange
The International LRIT Data Exchange (IDE) exists to route LRIT
information between LRIT DCs using the information provided in the LRIT
Data Distribution Plan. It is therefore connected via the internet to all LRIT
DCs and the LRIT Data Distribution Plan server.
The IDE cannot access and does not archive the LRIT data itself, but it
does maintain a journal of message header information – which can be
understood as the “envelope” containing the LRIT information. This
journal is used for invoicing functions and for audit purposes.
The performance of the IDE is audited by the LRIT Coordinator.
9 LRIT Data Distribution Plan
The LRIT Data Distribution Plan (DDP) is principally a database that
holds information needed to allow the international LRIT system to
operate correctly. The DDP is consulted by any DC in order to determine
whether a request for LRIT information should be allowed under the rules
for the distribution of LRIT data.
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