Page 80 - Electronic Navigation Cyber Book
P. 80
The DDP information includes: a list of the unique identification codes
assigned to key elements in the LRIT system;
the coordinates which define the various geographical areas declared by
Contracting Governments within which they wish to exercise their rights
to receive or restrict the distribution of LRIT information as a Flag or
Coastal State; and
a list of the ports and port facilities within the territory and places under
the jurisdiction of each Contracting Government.
10 LRIT System Security
Current LRIT information can have both a security and a commercial
value. It must therefore be strictly protected from unauthorised access in
storage and when it is being exchanged. The LRIT Performance
Standard provides for the protection of LRIT data through the protection
not only of the databases themselves, but also the communication links
used to exchange data. Recommended methods of data protection
include: authorization prior to access; authentication of those accessing
the data; confidentiality (usually by encryption of the data) and data
integrity checking.
11 The LRIT Coordinator
IMSO has been appointed as the LRIT Coordinator by the Maritime
Safety Committee; and has implemented that decision by amendments
to the IMSO Convention and its operational procedures.
The functions of the LRIT Coordinator include:
assisting in the establishment of the IDE and IDC through issuing and
evaluating Requests for Proposals to potential operators;
facilitating the testing and integration of new DCs and other elements into
the international LRIT system;
reviewing the performance of the system on an annual basis, through
review and audit of ASPs, DCs and the IDE, verifying in particular that
Contracting Governments and Search and Rescue services receive the
information they are entitled to, and not any information to which they are
not entitled; and
providing an annual report to the Maritime Safety Committee on the
performance of the LRIT system including any non-conformities, and
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