Page 81 - Electronic Navigation Cyber Book
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making any appropriate recommendations with a view to improving the
efficiency, effectiveness and security of the LRIT system.
The LRIT Coordinator is authorised to charge for the services it provides.
12 Access to LRIT Information
Under the terms of SOLAS Regulation V/19-1.8, governments are
entitled to receive LRIT information, if they wish to do so, for security and
other purposes, in four basic situations:
as a Flag State, an Administration is entitled to receive LRIT information
about ships entitled to fly its flag irrespective of where such ships may be
as a Port State, a Contracting Government is entitled to receive LRIT
information about ships which have indicated their intention to enter a
port facility or a place under the jurisdiction of that Contracting
Government, subject to certain restrictions;
as a Coastal State, a Contracting Government is entitled to receive LRIT
information about ships entitled to fly the flag of other Contracting
Governments, not intending to enter a port facility or a place under the
jurisdiction of that Contracting Government, navigating within a distance
not exceeding 1,000 nautical miles of its coast, subject to certain
restrictions; and
the Search and Rescue Service of a Contracting Government may
receive, free of any charges, LRIT information in relation to the search
and rescue of persons in distress at sea.
12.2 In addition, the MSC has subsequently decided that Contracting
Governments may request, receive and use LRIT information for safety
and marine environment protection purposes. The details of these uses
have not yet been worked out.
12.3 Contracting Governments will generally have to pay a small charge,
reflecting largely the costs of data collection and storage, for the LRIT
information they use. The MSC has decided that ships themselves shall
not be charged for the transmission or other costs of participation in the
LRIT system. Similarly, the LRIT system has been designed so that the
capabilities of many existing satellite communication terminals (eg
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