Page 21 - Electronic Navigation Cyber Book
P. 21

sound pulse is directed downwards through the steel bottom shell by a
          reflector. The advantages of nickel ring types are that it is cheaper to
          construct and damping is greater.
          In both designs, the sound pulses are directed downwards in a cone-
          shaped beam to avoid loss of sounding when the vessel is rolling. The
          process  is  reversible,  as,  when  the  echo  returns,  it  applies  varying
          pressure  to  the  working  faces  of  the  transducer,  which  causes  the
          magnetic condition of the nickel to fluctuate at the same frequency. This
          varying magnetic field strength induces a voltage in the winding round
          each piston leg and this voltage is amplified before being applied to the
          As oscillators must be in water dry forepeak tanks. Tanks may be flooded
          sufficiently  to  keep  them  submerged.  Forepeak  tanks  are  usually
          arranged so that when they are pumped out, enough water is retained to
          keep the oscillators from becoming dry.

          Echo sounding equipment may be divided into two main classes:
          .1         Those that transmit and receive sound vibration through the shell
          plating of a ship referred to as 1nternal installation" class.

          .2         Those that are in direct contact with the sea generally referred to
          as "pierced-hull installation" class.

          In the internal installation class, because of the shell plating, energy is
          wasted during transmission and reception. For a shell plating thickness
          of 9.5 mm, about 15 percent of the energy gets through the plate and
          only 2 percent gets through when the shell plating is 31.8 cm thick.

          The advantages of having an internal installation are:

          .1         Equipment may be fitted without dry-docking the ship.
          .2         Projectors or oscillators may be serviced or changed while the
          ship is afloat.

          Sound wave energy is wasted if it is required to pass through a plate. The
          plate will prevent sound waves to pass through if the thickness of the
          plate  is  close  to  a  quarter  wavelength  of  the  sound  wave;  but  if  the
          thickness  of  the  plate  is  about  a  half  wavelength  then  the  steel plate
          becomes transparent to the sound wave.
          For a pierced-hull installation, the shell plating of the ship is first pierced
          and the gap filled in by a thinner plate. If a steel plate is to be fitted, then

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