Page 96 - Electronic Navigation Cyber Book
P. 96

3.  They cannot be interrogated without an additional database with a
             common reference system.

          Vector  chart  data  is  organized  into  many  separate  files.It  contains
          graphics programs to produce certain symbols, lines, area colors, and
          other chart elements. The programmer can change individual elements
          in the file and tag elements with additional data. Vector files are smaller
          and more versatile than raster files of the same area. The navigator can
          selectively  display  vector  data,  adjusting  the  display  according  to  his
          needs. Current IMO/IHO standards for ECDIS recognize only the vector
          format  as  adequate.  Whether  a  digital  chart  system  uses  a  raster  or
          vector data base, any change to that data base must come only from the
          hydrographic office (HO) that produced the ENC.

          Corrections from other sources affecting the data base should be applied
          only as an overlay to the official data base. This protects the integrity of
          the official data base.
          The advantages of vector charts can be summarized as follows.
          1.  Chart information is in layers which allows selective display of data.
          2.  The display may be customized to suit the user.
          3.  Chart data is seamless.
          4.  It is possible to zoom-in without distorting the displayed data.
          5.  Charted objects may be interrogated to give information to the user.

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