Page 98 - Electronic Navigation Cyber Book
P. 98

Electronic chart types
          There  are  many  different  types  of  electronic  charts  available  that use
          different formats, different levels of content and attribution, and may, or
          may not, be official charts. As described above, all presently available
          electronic charts are either vector or raster. For the former, the chart may
          be based on the IHO S-57 format or some other format. Only if the level
          of content and attribution of the chart conforms to the IHO ENC product
          specification and is produced by, or on the authority of, a government
          authorized hydrographic office, can the chart be considered an ENC as
          defined by the IMO ECDIS performance standards.

          Electronic navigational charts (ENC)
          These are the designated charts for the ECDIS system and they possess
          a single universal data format.
          Such charts use vector data based on the IHO Special Publication S-57,
          edition 3, IHO Transfer Standard for Digital Hydrographic Data. Some of
          the major points which identify the unique property of these charts are as
             •  They are issued by or on the authority of a government-authorized
                 hydrographic office.
             •  Items on the chart must be attribute-coded and must be able to be
                 interrogated to provide information.

          Admiralty Raster Charts (ARCS)
          ARCS/Seafarer charts are produced from the same process used to print
          paper charts, i.e. a rasterized process is used either to print a paper chart
          or  produce  a  raster  chart.  They  are  accurate  representations  of  the
          original  paper  chart  with  every  pixel  referenced  to  a  latitude  and
          longitude. Where applicable,
          horizontal datum shifts are included with each chart to enable the chart,
          and any information overlaid on it, to be referenced back to WGS-84. Not
          all available charts have WGS-84 shift information and such charts must
          be used with caution when a GPS position fix is applied.
          UKHO ARCS and Australian Hydrographic Office (AHO) Seafarer both
          produced  in  the  UKHO’s  proprietary  hydrographic  chart  raster  format
          (HCRF).  ARCS  is  updated  weekly  using  a  CD-ROM  with  the  same
          information  as  the  weekly  Notice  to  Mariners  used  to  correct  paper

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