Page 54 - Electronic Navigation Cyber Book
P. 54

exploited to create a truly accurate global positioning system, free from
          many of the constraints of the existing earth-bound hyperbolic

          navigation systems.

          The  first  commercially  available  system  to  be  developed,  the  Navy
          Navigation  Satellite  System  (NNSS),  made  good  use  of  the  Doppler
          effect and provided the world's shipping with precise position fixing for
          decades.  However, nothing  lasts forever.  The  technology  became  old

          and the system was dropped on 31 December 1996 in favor of the vastly
          superior Global Positioning System (GPS). Although a number of NNSS
          Nova  satellites  are  still  in  orbit,  the  system  is  no  longer  used  for

          commercial  navigation  purposes.  Advances  in  technology  and  new
          demands on the existing system have now led to efforts to modernize the
          GPS system and implement the next generation of GPS III satellites and
          Next  Generation Operational Control System  (OCX).  Announcements
          from Vice President Al Gore and the White House in 1998 initiated these

          changes.  In  2000,  the U.S.  Congress authorized  the  modernization
          effort, GPS III.

          In addition to GPS, other systems are in use or under development. The
          Russian Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) was developed
          contemporaneously with GPS, but suffered from incomplete coverage of

          the  globe  until  the  mid-2000s. There  are  also  the  planned  European
          Union Galileo  positioning  system,  India's Indian  Regional  Navigational
          Satellite System and Chinese Compass navigation system.

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