Page 66 - Electronic Navigation Cyber Book
P. 66

b.  Provide  waypoint  numbers  under  the  WPT  column.  Based  on  the
          waypoint  number  provided,  the  distance  and  bearings  change

          c. The value of the distance and bearing of the current waypoint is taken
          with respect to the previous waypoint, in case of first waypoint distance
          and bearing are shown from the ship position.

          d. In the case of the first waypoint in the route, the value of the distance
          and  bearing  are  taken  from  DR  Lat/Long  value  provided  in  the
          initialization mode.

          e.  The  position  of  the  current  waypoint  selected  is  mentioned  in  the
          second column.

          2.5.4 Waypoint

          In the waypoint mode, you can provide waypoint details such as,

          a. Waypoint latitude

          b. Waypoint longitude

          c. Waypoint number

          2.5.5 Working In the Waypoint Mode

          a. Use the arrows for moving the cursor.
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