Page 67 - Electronic Navigation Cyber Book
P. 67
b. Use the number to enter the Latitude/Longitude value and click the
ENT button to
register the value.
c. To toggle between North (N)/South (S) and East (E) / West (W), bring
the cursor to
the direction indication and click the CLR button.
Following information is set & displayed in the preferences mode: -
a. Swinging Circle: When the ship is at anchor, the radius of the swinging
circle can be
set. If the ship drifts beyond the parameters value set, an alarm is raised.
b. Anchor Position: The latitude and longitude of the ship’s anchor
position is stored.
c. XTE and XTE Limit: The XTE (Cross Track Error) limiting value can be
set and if the ship drifts beyond the set value an alarm is raised. The
current reading of the XTE is also depicted.
d. Dist. By: The distance to be measured from one point to the other point
on the globe can be set to RL (Rhumb Line method) or GC (Great Circle
Method). Rhumb line is a straight line from one point to the other point on
the globe while Great Circle Line considers the curvature of the Earth
while measuring distances between two points.
e. Fix Mode: The mode can be fixed either to 2D or 3D.
f. Speed Avg: Based on the changes in ship’s position in a given time
interval, the GPS can find calculate Average Speed. Interval can be set
g. Position Offset: GPS position can be offset by the entered values of
Latitude & longitude to allow for Datum shift /Antenna shift.
h. Approaching Distance: Based on ownship’s current position, the GPS
can measure the distance from the next waypoint.
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